Social Media Growth

Over the years, I’ve used social media to get millions of organic impressions to grow Burgers n’ Fries Forever (BFF) into a multi-million dollar brand across multiple locations in two different cities. Our social content is repurposed into various PPC campaigns on Facebook and Instagram. Today, BFF has a total of 50,000+ engaged followers (and growing!). Our social media presence has also garnered us countless news and PR opportunities.

More recently in March 2022, I implemented a social strategy focused on creating branded content tailored specifically to TikTok’s algorithm. Over the next month, with Instagram Reels and TikTok combined, we reached over 2 million impressions. We also used the winning creatives to run very cost effective PPC ads, allowing customers to order directly off of our website.

April 2022 Growth


April 2022 Growth ~


  • 1.5 million video views

  • 4800+ new followers

  • 124,000+ likes


  • 2400+ comments

Instagram Reels:

  • 700,000 impressions

  • 750+ new followers

  • 165,000 Reels reach

  • 15,000+ profile visits


BFF — Brand Identity


Nava — The Pink Drink